The building blocks of thinking
Cognitive tools
Reuven Feuerstein
- In the opinion of Feuerstein people have the possibility to optimise their cognitive functioning if they participate in specific interaction (arranged by the mediator)
- This change/modifiability is caused by mediation which brings the pupil in the zone of proximal development
- Through mediated learning experiences each individual develops effective thinking skills and develops to be a self-regulated, autonomous and competent learner
Carl Haywood
Cognitive functions are processes that are so fundamental that they have to be used to understand and learn from a wide variety of events and facts.
Each one of us has a kind of cognitive toolkit with instruments (thinking aids) which are essential for learning
When the pupil engages in a task, we can put the cognitive functions into the next scheme:CF en Emiel tbv website
Acting strategically
Thinking aids / cognitive functions
Meta-cognition – self direction
Domain specific knowledge & procedural knowledge
Emiel van Doorn