As from 1988 StiBCO – the foundation for the enhancement of cognitive development – has been working with the ideas of Reuven Feuerstein. In the Netherlands StiBCO is the Authorised Training Center for the courses based on Feuerstein’s ideas.
Today we combine Feuerstein’s theory of the Structural Cognitive Modifiability with the Dutch approach of developmental education (inspired by Vygotsky) and the self regulated learning- theory of M. Boeckaerts.
Feuerstein defines intelligence as adaptability. This is a dynamic concept. The development or cognitive modifiability of the cognitive functions is stimulated by the interaction with a mediator (mediated learning experience/mle). The quality of the mediated interaction depends on the presence and the frequency of (a dozen) parameters.
StiBCO’s first task is the training of the mediated learning theory and practice, especially the Instrumental Enrichment Program (I.E.). These courses are intended for: parents of disabled children, teachers and remedial teachers in primary, secondary and special schools.
Nowadays we also provide training regarding the mediation interaction style and involvement in school projects:
Primary schools:
Training the teachers – by optimising their mediated learning qualities – to enhance the learning dispositions and self-regulated learning of the children. The teachers are also introduced to programs such as I.E., Bright Start and Cognet.
Pre-vocational schools:
KAG-AL (knowledge as tool – active learning); a project for stimulating self regulated learning and the introduction of Instrumental Enrichment as part of the school curriculum.
Dynamic Assessment:
The introduction of the possibilities of the Learning Propensity Assessment Device and Dynamic Assessment for diagnosing children with special needs is one other main topic in our activities.